Volunteer Automobile Driver Authorization (Elementary/Middle) Form

New Volunteer Driver’s Form as of October 5, 2022

The Volunteer Automobile Driver Authorization (Elementary/Middle) Form has been updated and it now includes a provision to provide a copy of the Driver’s Abstract.

Parents driving for volunteer activities at school must provide the following:

-Completed Volunteer Automobile Driver Authorization (Elementary/Middle) Form – Volunteer-Driver-Elementary-Middle-FINAL-Oct2022

-Copy of Driver’s License (Front & Back)

-Copy of Driver’s Abstract (confirms no recent serious traffic violations for at least the past 10 years)

-Copy of Insurance Coverage (confirms requires $2M Liability Insurance)

Please see the attached Driver’s Abstract link to obtain the “Personal driving record” online: https://onlinebusiness.icbc.com/clio/

Once all the documents are provided by you to the office, they will need to be reviewed and approved by our Principal.


Yorkson Creek Middle School

20686 - 84 Avenue, Langley
BC, V2Y 2B5
Phone: 604-888-8065
Fax: 604-888-8069