PAC Scholarship

YCMS PAC Scholarship

The Yorkson Creek Middle School PAC annually awards one (1) $1000 scholarship to one student selected by a committee of YCMS Parents.

The recipient must be graduating from REMSS high school in June 2022 and have attended Yorkson Creek Middle School for any period of time prior to entering high school.

DEADLINE TO SUBMIT: FRIDAY, April 29th by 5:00 pm
Please complete the application form and send all information to Yorkson Creek PAC at

YCMS PAC Scholarship Application

YCMS PAC Scholarship Application form 2021 2022



Yorkson Creek Middle School

20686 - 84 Avenue, Langley
BC, V2Y 2B5
Phone: 604-888-8065
Fax: 604-888-8069