
Yorkson Creek Middle School is proud to offer the following opportunities for our aspiring musicians:

Jazz Band

Senior Band (Grade 7/8)

Beginner Band (Grade 6)




  • Class musicianship     25%     (growth/improvement; what I hear in class)
  • Practice Charts*         20%     (monthly practice charts)
  • Performance Tests     25%     (played in class; 1 or 2 per month)
  • Rehearsal Etiquette    10%     (how a student conducts themselves during rehearsals)
  • Theory                        15%     (worksheets or quiz)
  • Attitude                        5%


*Practice ChartsHome Practice is the key to a successful band. Students mustpractice on a regular basis at hometo improve. Students who only play at school rehearsals do not improve. Students must use the Practice Chart given out in class, and hand in a signed chart (by parent) at the beginning of each month (20% of mark).


Concerts– TBA

Letter to Parents from YCMS Music Program:

Dear Parents,

I would like to take this opportunity to provide you with some information about the music program at Yorkson Creek Middle School. Music is a performing art, and the Yorkson music program will afford your son or daughter many opportunities to participate in concerts and exciting events throughout the year.

As you are aware, the Explorations Program at our school provides each student with a two month rotation through Woodworking, Home Economics, Music, Drama, and Art. In the music component of Explorations, students will receive instruction on the classical guitar. In addition, they will use music software (GarageBand) to create their own music compositions.

Beyond the Explorations program the Yorkson Creek music program will offer the following performance ensembles:

Beginning Band available to any student wishing to play a band Instrument. Students in Beginning Band will receive instruction in the fundamental concepts of  woodwind, brass, and percussion instruments. Beginning band students will perform in the Christmas and spring concert and have the  opportunity to join the Grade 8 band in their second year.

Grade 8 Band available to students in their second year of playing. With a year of band instruction behind them, students in Grade 8 Band will begin performing more complex and rewarding band  literature. They will go to their first music festival and some members of the band will form the

Grade 8 Jazz lab – a  beginning jazz band.

Concert Choir available to any student who enjoys singing and wants to be part of a performing ensemble. The choir is a wonderful experience for young singers, giving them the opportunity to improve their vocal production, as well as their ability to sing music in two and three parts.

Handbell Choir We are very fortunate to have a 4 octave set of handbells as the basis for our choir. A bell choir performs music in many different styles, and each ringer is assigned 2 or 3 bells to play. Musicians must then follow the music and ring when their bell called for. The bells sound beautiful and and they are a wonderful addition to any performace. Here is a link to handbell choir ringing  Angels WE Have Heard On High

Mr. Mills, the Grade 8 band director, and I wish your child a successful year at Yorkson Creek, and we hope to see you at our concert performances.

Sincerely yours,

Mr. R. Branswell
Mr. D. Mills

Yorkson Creek Middle School

20686 - 84 Avenue, Langley
BC, V2Y 2B5
Phone: 604-888-8065
Fax: 604-888-8069